So I had to be to the airport by 4:50 AM because my flight left at 6:50 AM then I had a layover for about 4 hours. The flight to Ecuador was 6 hours let me just tell you what a long day yesterday was. I experienced so many emotions all at once sadness, happiness, anticipation, and not knowing what to expect next. It was nice to have a layover in a sense because all the girls got to kind of know each other after all we are going to be spending alot of time together so we might as well start. We landed in Quito went through customs and met Angel to take us to where we were going to live. By this point I was really overwhelmed and thought, ¨What did I get myself into?¨ We got to the house I found out where my room was unpacked and went to bed. I woke up this morning thinking, ¨Am I really in Ecuador?¨ I really am here guys my wait is finally over!!! Today we just went over orientation stuff to make sure we know the rules and just to get situated. Lunch is the biggest meal they eat over here our cook made us tacos that I liked and great bananna bread. I am actually suprised with myself I didn´t think I would like the food by I actually do like it, my mom would be shocked. After orientation we had a break so a bit which was nice I just relaxed. Then everyone that lives in the house went out to dinner I liked the food there too and got to know some of the current volunteers. Lets just say it was an adventure getting there people drive alot different then in Utah there are basically no rules people just go where ever they want. You could be driving in your lane the next thing you know someone is coming over on you. It is pretty crazy but I like it, it is definately a change to what I am used to. Tomorrow we get to start working in the orphanages we have orientation but Ashley(my roommate she is from Arizona she is a really cute girl) and I get to go to the morning shift for the current volunteers to show us how it works we have to be out of the house by 630 AM. Then at about 10 we will meet up with the other volunteers and do orientation I am pretty excited about tomorrow this is what I have been waiting for. I will let you know how tomorrow goes.